On 6
May 2020, the Joint Nautical Authority (made up of Rijkswaterstaat and the
Flemish Agency for maritime and coastal services - Coastal Division), North Sea
Port and local nautical service providers expanded and intensified their existing
work agreements in the interest of greater shipping efficiency and a more
reliable planning for the total nautical chain and the ports.
also included an expansion of the current management area: in addition to the
Ghent-Terneuzen Canal, this area now also includes the Sloe Area and
Braakmanhaven as well as local anchorages. The number of parties to the work
agreements has also been expanded to include, more specifically, the boatmen.
Focus on the vessel
along the fairway and in the port area of North Sea Port occasionally create peaks
in shipping traffic, which in turn may lead to inefficiencies.
safe, streamlined and timely settlement of shipping traffic calls for optimised
collaboration between all parties involved. The primary focus in this process will
be on the vessel. It is up to the client to indicate the ship’s intended
arrival and departure times for its port destination. And it is up to the port,
the responsible authorities and the nautical service providers to accommodate
these interests.
planning plays a key role in the planning of shipping traffic. Over the course
of different phases, information can be expected to become increasingly
relevant and plannings increasingly reliable. Whether or not a planning is
realistic and accurate is determined by the data provided by the different
clients. The partners’ shared level of ambition has been bolstered by the
introduction of the strategic planning phase, in which the chain partners will
also be able to coordinate their long-term
capacity planning and respond more effectively to expected peak situations,
poor weather conditions and congestion and delays.
Transparant and reliable
port and chain planning will be drawn up on the basis of a realistic scenario
that takes due account of all known and relevant factors such as vessel
characteristics, restrictions in terms of infrastructure, nautical
preconditions, the traffic situation and weather conditions.
from the definite chain planning during its implementation are not allowed to
cause delays for other vessels. Each party involved will be provided with the
necessary information via a joint platform as well as its own systems.
Joint Nautical Authority (GNA)
response to significant developments within the management area – when Nieuwe
Sluis Terneuzen is taken into operation, for example, or the evolution of
shipping traffic – the GNA may choose to adapt and optimise the
work agreements in consultation with the partners.
Next step
next step involves the translation of the work agreements into concrete
guidelines in the procedural manual, to create clarity for the different
workforces and to serve as input during the required system adaptations.
The final
objectives continue to be a transparent planning and optimised shipping.
The work agreements are possible in part thanks to the
support of Boluda Towage Europe, DAB-Loodswezen, De Eendracht, the Joint
Nautical Authority, Montis Mooring, Multraship Towage & Salvage, North Sea
Port, Regionale Loodsencorporatie Scheldemonden, Verenigde Bootlieden Terneuzen
and Vlissingse Bootliedenwacht.