
Tailored Towage Services

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Customer-focused port towage

We see it as our task to service our customers in the best possible way, truly understanding their needs, thinking with them all the way, and exceeding expectations whenever we can.

This translates into what we call: Tailored Towage Services, flexible services in the ports that go beyond the towing itself. Always put quality and safety first, the result counts in the end.

We continuously look for further improvements in our communication and availability in order to be there exactly at the right time, also when a ship comes in earlier or later than expected. We know circumstances are never the same at sea and in the port, where every single day is different.

A thorough preparation of the task you ask us, to make sure that the right tug is waiting for you at the right time. So, we are ready when you need us and we go all the way to make the turnaround time as short as possible.



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Tender & Transfer Services




Boluda Tender & Transfer Services Rotterdam has been established in 2023, to offer customers an additional maritime solution for the transfer of marine supplies, stores, parts, and persons, from our base in the Port of Rotterdam to anchorage areas on the Dutch & Flemish North Sea or vice versa.


The Dutch and Flemish North Sea hold no secret to our highly-skilled and experienced crew. Thanks to their experience in offshore towage and deep sea towage, our crew is able to sail to any anchorage. 


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Local experience on a European scale

As we operate in major European ports, we offer our customers European service at scale. In one efficient and well-known, maybe even familiar, hand. Whether a ship sails into Rotterdam, Zeebrugge, Hamburg, Liverpool, or any other port we work in, our customers will always find the Boluda Towage Europe service they value.


We know that every port is a world of its own with specific circumstances, regulations, and culture. As our crews are built of locals, to them their port region has no secrets. We mix crews, to share experiences and broaden the scope of our people on the tugs in the ports.

Leading in safe harbour towage

It is our goal to constantly improve our service level towards our customers. We actively listen and involve them in all stages of planning. We view situations from the perspective of the customer and we actively follow up with them.


To assure a high standard of quality of our service, our core process has been established with a focus on quality assurance which comes evident by the following aspects:


  • Operational continuity, reliability assets through efficient maintenance procedures
  • Versatile fleet and equipment, up-grading our tugs constantly, to create safer tugs for our crew and with greater operational redundancy
  • The comprehensive training process for our crews, and competencies required to run the business. We have developed our in-house training and education programs. We train our crews and educate new tug masters in operating all possible propulsion systems. Training takes place both in our own simulator center and of course real-live on our tugs.
  • Constantly improving by programs in place
  • Always looking for innovations that increase our quality, efficiency, sustainability, and innovation to improve our daily operations.
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